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Fabulous Last Live Awards Night

We didn't think we could top last year's awards event, but it looks like we did!

The 2019 Off To Work Event Photography Awards ceremony was held at No.4 Hamilton Place, on the 14th May.

The Mayfair venue was perfectly suited to host the event and used a range of its event spaces, from the stunning roof terrace and sumptuous function rooms, to the dedicated conference suit downstairs. Indeed, the Bill Boeing room comfortably seated over 200 guests for the presentation, which was filled with cheers and tears of both joy and laughter!

Over 100 shortlisted photographs were perfectly printed by Perton Signs and presented on smart display equipment supplied by Visions Group, which guests viewed while enjoying fabulous canapes and bowl food by catering sponsor, Blue Strawberry.

Overall, some 1,000 photographs were entered across 13 categories by over 100 event photographers. Nearly half of the entrants were short-listed and the vast majority of them took up their VIP invitation to attend the event, some coming from overseas. The fun awards ceremony was presented by competition director, Graham Hill, and zipped along, with each category winner invited on stage to receive a trophy. The final award was presented by competition founder Philip Atkins (MD of staffing agency, Off To Work), to Andrew Billington, who took away the coveted overall winner’s trophy, a cheque for £1,000 and the title of Event Photographer of the Year, for his wonderful Private Event shot of a ‘Multitasking’ grandfather feeding a baby and himself during a christening at Trinity House.

The competition was judged by a plethora of event industry luminaries, many of whom were in attendance, as were all the sponsors and their own VIP guests. On the evidence of the splendid images captured by EPA photography partner Splento, guests evidently enjoyed the evening immensely... More shots from the event can be seen here

During his concluding speech, Philip Atkins spoke passionately about the importance of photography to the event industry, and about his motivation to found the EPAs “To celebrate the often unsung work of the photographers that capture the energy and essence of events, along with all the elements that go into producing successful events, from behind-the-scenes production and the venues where they are held, to the catering and the staff that serve it.”

Our enormous thanks go to all the brilliant EPA sponsors and event partners for make the competition possible and producing such a successful and highly enjoyable evening, We are thrilled to be returning to No.4 Hamilton Place with them all, and more, for the 2020 award event on Tuesday 5th May.


Check out the gallery of winning photos from the 2019 Event Photography Awards here.

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